Concert 2016-17

The Student Council 2016-2017 organized La Musique, an evening of music on Friday, March 3, 2017. It was a ‘girls only’ concert, in the school quadrangle with the rising star of Pakistan, Asim Azhar in the spotlight.
The event started with a short entertaining skit by our House Captains and some of the Year 10 students. After this, Asim Azhar started his performance with his song Sunle and then continued to sing his hits and covers, which included Maahi Aaja, Soniye, Sajna and Afreen Afreen. He also sang a few current Bollywood hits such as Channa meraya and Zalima. He ended his performance with one of the most demanded songs, Hands in the air.
It was a night thoroughly enjoyed by the Pechians and our alumni.
