At the PECHS Girls’ School, we aim to foster collaboration and not competition. So, can the two co-exist? We believe, it can. The house system provides an interactive, real-world context for children to work together and challenges them to unite and collaborate in teams with others, not only at the same year level, but also with those older and younger than them. It provides younger ones with role models to look up to and gives older students the opportunity to mentor younger ones.
We aspire to see a change in the attitude of children as a result of the establishment of the houses. We hope there is constant encouragement for them to do their best, to demonstrate positive attitudes towards one another and towards the school. We hope to provide opportunities for leadership and to develop a tradition of excellence and community service.
The House System is a longstanding tradition at PECHS Girls’ School, designed to create smaller communities within our larger school family. Upon enrolment, each student is assigned to one of our three houses: Air, Sun and Water. These houses represent the essential elements of life.
Houses compete with each other at sports and other predetermined areas of the curriculum in an attempt to provide a focus for group loyalty.
House Membership
Students are grouped vertically, providing opportunities to get to know children of different ages within the school. We place a high value on learning about working as a team and the benefits of good behaviour, so the House System is an important part of a student’s life.
There are roughly 370 plus members in each of the three houses. Once allotted, all members
remain in the same house until they leave school. Siblings belong to the same house.
House Uniform
– A House T-Shirt and grey trousers and white tennis shoes/or coloured trainers are the official PE uniform.
– House caps are optional. These can be worn during home time and for PE classes.
House Activities & Earning House Points
As already mentioned, house activities encourage both collaboration and competition and more importantly, a team/community spirit. Details follow:
Collaborative Activities: Through regular house meetings, events and activities, students develop a strong sense of belonging to their respective houses. They come together to support each other and celebrate their collective achievements. The purpose of the collaborative activity is to encourage a spirit of giving back to our society/community without expecting anything in return. Therefore, there are no house points for community projects. To develop a sense of community and altruism, children of the same house from Years 1 – 10, may work together on a self-chosen cause.
Competitive Activities: Competitive activities stress that there will always be winners and losers in a competition. The goal is to participate, give of one’s best and win and lose graciously. Learning from losing is an important experience and results in growth if handled properly. Throughout the academic year, houses compete in various Intra-school competitions and events, earning points for their respective house. This healthy competition not only adds an exciting dimension to school life but also encourages students to strive for excellence in all areas of their development.
House Trophy: The Winning House is announced at the Annual Prize Distribution ceremony every year and is given the House Trophy.