We Celebrated IDM in School

The International Day of Mathematics (IDM) is a global event celebrated annually on March 14. This date coincides with Pi Day (3/14), remembering the mathematical constant Pi (π ≈ 3.14). The theme for 2024, “Playing with Math,” encourages engaging with mathematics through games, puzzles, and exploration.

This year, students from Years 4 and 8 participated in various math activities. These included origami to understand 3D shapes, dice rolling for addition practice, crafting 3D objects with sticks and playdough, strategic Tic-Tac-Toe to foster critical thinking, timed mental math challenges, exploring Pi’s significance, identifying patterns, and solving Tangram puzzles.

The event was a huge success, providing interactive and stimulating experiences for students, blending physical and mental engagement. These activities not only enhanced mathematical skills but also nurtured critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

We look forward to future celebrations of IDM and the opportunities they bring for our students to explore the wonders of mathematics.

For more details about International Mathematics Day, visit IDM’s official website:


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