Birthday Celebration Policy for Years 1 – 10

Birthdays are important to every child and we know that most children like to celebrate their birthday with their classmates. The PECHS Girls’ School does not either encourage or discourage parents from ‘celebrating’ their child’s birthday in school. Children are welcome to celebrate their birthday in school, keeping in mind the guidelines below.

Please note:

Children, refers to all pupils and students (EY, PS, MS and SS).

Students, refers to MS and SS.

Birthday Song

  • The birthday song can be sung once or twice during the day, first thing in the morning and/or during break time.

Birthday Cards/Gifts

  • If children want to make cards for the birthday girl, they may do so. However, no classroom time will be given for the making of cards. If EY or PS pupils want to make cards for their special friends during PDR time, they should be given permission.
  • If children want to give gifts to the birthday girl, they may do so; we will neither encourage nor discourage them. However, only handmade gifts are to be given in school.

Goodie Bags

  • No Goodie Bags are permitted no matter how inexpensive the items may be. Nothing must be given to take home.
  • The birthday girl may distribute sweets or toffees, chocolates, biscuits or plain cupcakes (without frosting) in class.

Birthday Celebrations

  • The birthday girl must come to school in complete school uniform.
  • A birthday sash, made by our students can be worn all day, if the birthday girl wishes to wear it. Year Group Teachers (YGTs) may take these sashes from the HM’s office.
  • If the parents and child wish to celebrate a birthday in school, they must inform the YGT(s) a week in advance.
  • The cake cutting ceremony will take place during break in the presence of the YGT.
  • Parents can send either cupcakes or brownies or a sponge cake for cutting. For distribution, maintain uniformity in the items, and the quantity of the sent items should be sufficient for all the children in the classroom.
  • Children must bring the eats with them when they come in the morning. The birthday eats will not be collected at the gate or reception at any time during the day.

Birthday Photographs

  • The children are not permitted to bring cameras or cell phones even on their birthday.
  • If the birthday girl would like some memories of her birthday in school, the YGT(s) will take three photographs from her cell phone and will upload it for the birthday girl on GC at the end of the same day.
  • Of the three photographs, one will be with the entire Year Group and the rest is up to the birthday girl.

Celebrating with Special Friends

  • The student/birthday girl can invite some of her best friends from the other section too for celebrating her birthday. Needless to say, there should be cupcakes/birthday eats for all.
  • If a student wishes to celebrate her birthday with only her best friends, the YGT(s) will neither go to the classroom nor take pictures using her camera. She will only be responsible if the whole Year Group is involved.
  • Similarly, MS and SS students who want to plan a surprise for a friend may do the same. They can plan it for the whole class or for a small group of special friends. They must inform the YGT(s) a week in advance. All the other rules mentioned above, apply in this case too.
  • On the last day of the academic year, in May, celebrations may be held for the students whose birthdays fall in June and July, and in November for December birthdays.